Fingers pointed to GingerSwan again

Discussion in 'Finger Pointing' started by SkittlesQueen, Jun 2, 2014.

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  1. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    So a couple days ago shockwave posted bout gingerswan, I commented and in return I got this from ginger
    [​IMG] now mind you he doesn't seem to understand that I'm just pulling his leg, I did reply to this but it was in a professional way with a small joke at the end,if ginger sees this,hope he knows I'm just pulling his leg(joking with him)

    follow the buzzards
  2. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    My original post was about of of Ginger's friends (who I'm betting is one of those swans?) so sorry for any confusion there.
    But besides that, what the actual fuck Ginger? Seems like the only who needs teaching a lesson here is you, a lesson about respect and self control god damn.
    Any respect I gained for you when you told us about your friend has now been instantaneously lost.
  3. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    Yes I know it was about one of his friends but still, pming me with that title ect...not cool

    follow the buzzards
    Dynodamon and oiShocKWavesv like this.
  4. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    I'll take care of this.
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