This week in ShadeCrest - 2014/04/11

Discussion in 'News and Updates' started by CyberVic, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. CyberVic

    CyberVic Well-Known Member VIP

    • Meowcrest / ShadeCrest
    • New Messaging
    • Hoppers & Brewing Stand Locking
    • Death Chest
    • Mining World Reset Soon
    • New PvP rule

    Meowcrest / ShadeCrest

    We finally got the silly "Welcome to Meowcrest" and picture of Max's cat fixed up that he slapped on there when 1.7 launched. If you notice there is also a new ShadeCrest logo that we are using not only on the launch screen, but also in TeamSpeak. You might notice that I'm typing ShadeCrest instead of Shade Crest. There is some debate over which is the more official way of using the band name. Currently the staff seems to be leaning to ShadeCrest, what's your thoughts?

    New Messaging
    We have started updating all our messaging and advertising for the server. If you want to help attract new players to Shadecrest, click on the links and bump those threads when you can. If you have any recommendations on how we could improve our marketing, let us know.

    Hoppers & Brewing Stand Locking
    People happily locked their automated machines down, but asked for even more locking capabilities, so we've given it to you with this update. Unfortunately, we cannot lock levers. If you lock a lever it becomes unmovable even for the person who sets the lock.

    Death Chests
    VIP V death chests now work in all worlds but spawn and museum. Apparently there were a few worlds where it was not enabled, but NDV has fixed that up.

    Mining World Reset Soon
    Erik and Sharq are working on getting a new Mining World setup since the current one is in pretty bad shape. It's coming soon, slated for 4/18 unless it gets pushed back for some reason. Make sure all of your valuables are out of the mining world, and you're not in it when we reset. This new world will have desert and mesa biomes so people don't have to tear up the main worlds.

    New PvP rule
    [Added by Sharqman]
    If you are INVISIBLE while POTION BOMBING you MUST be wearing a full set of armor.
    Potion bombing being defined as going to kill someone using potions that do damage. Consider yourself potion bombing if you have potions that do damage on you.
    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  2. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    You can add that tech left for good
  3. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    It turns out trying to find a seed that has mesa, desert, ice plain spikes, and minimal ocean within a 1.5k radius is difficult ^^.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    thn expand radius? seems like the proper solution
  5. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    I finally found one at 1.5k that works really well, and then ndv told me the radius was going to be expanded. The seed still works, I just spent more time than I needed to, haha!

    And by 'haha' I mean grumble :P
  6. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    New PvP rule: If you are IVISIBLE while POTION BOMBING you MUST be wearing a full set of armor.

    Potion bombing being defined as going to kill someone using potions that do damage. As a rule of thumb if you have 3 or more harmful potions (insta damage or posion) in pvp consider yourself a potion bomber. That does not mean that if you kill someone with 2 potions while invis with no armor you are safe. If a grey area case like that is reported it will be handled by the pvp council.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
  7. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    Invisible ≠ invincible. Armor prevents players from being gibbed with one hit from a decent sword or bow. If someone wants to be hard to hit cannon fodder, why not let them?

    Didn't discussions about this already happen? (rhetorical question)

    Also, have fun trying to enforce this. It will turn into one players word against another ("He killed me without armor while invisible!" "I had leather armor, you're lying!"). What happens when an invisible player attacks with a single poison potion, and then kills the target with a sword. Where did most of the damage come from? How do you know? How do you know if one of them is lying? Would someone really do that, go on the internet and tell lies?

    Seriously though, I think this sums it up best:
    Slebert, Nifix and Dynodamon like this.
  8. Hez

    Hez Member

  9. Slebert

    Slebert Active Member VIP

    Its ShadeCrest, always has been, always will