This week in ShadeCrest - 2014/04/04

Discussion in 'News and Updates' started by CyberVic, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. CyberVic

    CyberVic Well-Known Member VIP

    • Arcadian War
    • New protection for Mods
    • Dropper Locking & Automated Potion Machines
    • ShadeCrest Bazaar
    • Core Values Discussion
    • This week in Shadecrest

    Arcadian War
    Excellent work by Ndv bringing this back! There were plenty of participants and people are keeping their swords and PVP skills sharp eagerly awaiting the next war. Ndv tells me that he hopes to make it an event for once every two weeks, but the next event will be a little delayed. He's taking people's feedback from the last one and making sure those changes are in place before the next. Please continue to provide feedback on the war via his thread thread or speak directly with Ndv.

    New protection for Mods
    Ever made a mod request in a spot, then the mod answered the request only to get killed by something? Well our mods now will be protected from the danger when answering mod requests. This has been a long outstanding thing we've wanted to fix. Special thanks to Shaq for getting it working.

    Dropper Locking & Automated Potion Machines
    You should now be able to use /lock or /cprivate to lock Droppers at the standard locking fee. This became apparent that we needed to do this when more and more people started jumping on the automatic potion machine bandwagon.

    ShadeCrest Bazaar
    This great little player run mall encourages players who want to dabble in the market to setup shop and share profits with the warp owner. It's got a nice Moroccan / desert palace theme. Contact StephenP67 or visit /warp bazaar to buy or sell.

    Core Values Discussion
    Great, productive discussion about what things we value here at Shadecrest. This is all in part of the new effort to re-define how we market ourselves. Your feedback is more than welcome.

    This week in Shadecrest
    I'm hoping to do this weekly and in the event that I can't do it (like on vacation), then I hope that some other admin will pick up the slack and post the week in review. My goal is to make the front page more lively, get players to see all the stuff the staff are doing on a regular basis, and for those who don't visit the boards often, they get a sense of what they missed. Think of it as a change log for the server as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2014
  2. Hez

    Hez Member

    Sounds cool. Keep this up Cyber
  3. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    Nice idea:)

    follow the buzzards sent from my phone
  4. TimNerd2

    TimNerd2 Member

    That's great idea
  5. I_am_dropbear

    I_am_dropbear Active Member

    smart guy you is. many brains. such... suchness
    Hez likes this.
  6. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP