IGN? TheTechGeek245 Who banned me?(use @<full username>) majestic_moose Why was I banned(ban message)? X-ray When was I banned? 1st March 2014 11:42:45 PM How long is my ban? Permanent Ban in more detail? I still was a noob at Minecraft (got MC on nov 26) when i used x-ray texture pack in late December I used it in mining but I rarely mine (rather spend time building) in early January I found out it was illegal and I stopped using it Why should I be unbanned? I haven't used x-ray since I knew it was illegal and I apologize for acting like a child lately. I still have close ties to this server because of my friends and unfinished projects and it was the very first server I joined and wanted to stay.
It was 50 days ago, and as far as I can tell, only 2 patches of diamond and some gold. More importantly, you were honest. Ban will be reduced to 1 day, if someone else could update it that'd be great Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk