The Random Question #1

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by TheTechGeek245, Feb 17, 2014.


How Much Rupies Do You Currently Have

  1. 100 or less

    0 vote(s)
  2. 100-1k

    0 vote(s)
  3. 1k-5k

    0 vote(s)
  4. 5k-10k

    1 vote(s)
  5. 10k-30k

    1 vote(s)
  6. 30k-100k

    3 vote(s)
  1. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    just post comments about the question and or answer choices sorry about not exending past 100 just post ur money if ur above 100k
  2. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Where's 100k+
  3. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    100,354.50r in cash at the moment
  4. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    i said post ur money if u got over 100k
  5. Magetime

    Magetime Active Member VIP

    Ive got around 200k plus with ores and such

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    When i get home, Ill add up my stuff

    Sent from my damned apple device
  7. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    I have 140k cash and with ores probably 250-300k or so
  8. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    ilike how u guys are participaing well
  9. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    More threads/posts...
  10. crazyboy162

    crazyboy162 Active Member VIP

    We're losing this one...[​IMG]
  11. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    A little over 8k in actual funds, several hundred thousand in loot (Legendaries, rare blocks and such.)
  12. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Prove it m8
  13. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    [​IMG] I have seen people sell one legendary for 30k, so I am sure I can sell mine for more. Screeny?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  14. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    How many legendaries do you have and what are they?
  15. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Legendaries aren't worth that much anymore, I have 18 and have trouble selling any of them for more than 8k...

    Is that pretty pretty shiny shiny object a command block :confused:? I have a couple, but I wouldn't place mine...
  16. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    Legendaries: Cactusplate, Green leather chestplate with high thorns and unbreaking enchants.
    Pantyhose (My first and favorite): Chainmail leggings with Protection V and Unbreaking V
    Construction Helmet: Golden Helmet with high helment enchants (Aqua affinity, protection, etc.)
    Rare items:
    Stackable Snow
    Abdullahj's Head (All armor enchants maxed to legit levels)
    2 Easter Eggs (Eggs with Efficiency I)
    1 Command Block (Already placed)
    3 stacks of EXP pots
    Arcadian Warmth (Blue dyed leather boots with a green name)
    EpicPoke's Critical Error (A bow with Flame II, Power V)
    At least 5 of every ore in the game.
    1 stack of Chiseled Stone (Circle stone to some)
    1 Wolf Spawn Egg (Later to be named "Argos")
    A few monster eggs, (Magma cube, Blaze, Slime, etc)
    I cannot show you my sword that is seen in the pick, it has Sharp III, Knockback II and has a funny name.
    2 Cookies that have sentimental value, but each are prolly worth .1r to anyone else.
    3 Gold Blocks
    4 Diamond Blocks
    3 stacks of Iron Blocks (Not stored in my home)
    A few other things that I forget and won't bother checking, as using mouse keys takes too long and is VERY annoying.
  17. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Not to burst your bubble, but you can craft stackable snow. I should post my goodies :p
  18. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    HOW!? I thought it was so rare... Everyone says there was no way to actually get it legit, just snowballs or blocks...
  19. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Make slab out of snow
  20. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    Dang... Been playin' Mineraft since late Alpha... Still can't learn any o' the crafts... I like ellipses...