What is your IGN? Kmpurplekat Who banned you?(use @<full username>) sharqman I think Why were you banned(ban message)? You have been banned from this server for mob arena abuse (appeal on forums)" When were you banned? Somewhere between 5 minutes ago and last night, I honestly have no idea. How long is your ban? Perm I believe Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? Last night a bunch of us were doing the mob arena. I died around wave 30 (as usual), and stayed around to watch. Eventually I had to go, when Shock, Plasma (I believe), and Soph were all around wave 100. I later came back on MineChat and they were on wave 200-300. That is all I know. Why should you be unbanned? I love this server, it's the only one I have ever found that has sparked even the smallest interest in me. I also had nothing to do with any of this, simply wanting to do the mob arena. I'm sorry if this caused any trouble, and sorry for all the inconveniences. Sent from my iPhone