My Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Sophiiiiiiier, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. Sophiiiiiiier

    Sophiiiiiiier Active Member VIP

    What is your IGN: Sophiiiiiier

    Who banned you? sharqman

    Why were you banned(ban message)? Abusing the mob arena glitch to get items

    When were you banned? February 15th, 2014

    How long is your ban? Permanent

    Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? Well, I found out that shadecrest had added the mob arena plugin. Could never get past maybe Wave #10. Then probably Thursday/Friday Clover told me she found a hiding spot where the boss glitches out and suffocates in the wall. DerangedWalrus had lived one time passed the boss and hid in the safe spot. So i went ahead and followed Clover to the safe spot. When the boss warped to us, it suffocated in the wall. We usually died then. Tech showed me yesterday about the hole on the way to the sheltered area Clover told me about, when you fell in there you either had half a heart, or if you crouched half health. When sharqman checked out the hole today, it was a pathway to falling out of the world. Shock and I yesterday went with a group of maybe 6+. We were the last ones alive fighting the boss. I got a chance to run away as well as shock. We went up to the sheltered area to be safe in case in warped to us again. Then we sat there for maybe 10 waves and noticed there were no more boss abilites used. We stopped taking health from the wither effect and sat there. We went ahead and just sat there not going afk. Ex: Talking to people in chat, talking in team speak. The mobs weren't spawning, the boss despawned. Who wouldn't take the chance to get free loots honestly.

    Why should you be unbanned? I believe i should be unbanned because, the glitch is patched. Sharq took away all my loots i got from the arena, so there's nothing I improved on. I am sorry for not telling an admin about this. I'll be glad to play on shadecrest again at some point.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Ban reduced to 1 day.
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