What is your IGN? sugarbuttz Who banned you? THEdeadRETURNED Why were you banned(ban message)? Promoting xray/"glitch abusing" When were you banned? February 9, 2014 How long is your ban? Permanent Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? Well I was talking about x-ray since another person said he was x-raying for some reason. He was not mining just looking for things underground. I don't believe he was banned tough. Did not know just talking about x-ray was against the rules. Honestly i did say that if you did x-ray...do it when no one is online(2-4 am) but people are stupid. Also said if you wanted to explore the map just download and play it in singleplayer. I need clarity on "glitch abusing" cause what glitch?
I know but that(talking about x-ray/other things) isn't against rules. Doing it is. I never said he was wrong just saying it was not on the wiki. And yea why didnt the other guy get banned? So what he, did was basically was didnt ban Tim for xray for finding caves, but banned me for to saying xray when no one online and don't tell anyone you xray?
He talked about xray. Same thing i did, but went further to state the obvious. BTW it wasn't much of an argument more like conversation......idk how you put it. "I'm not going against the staff or anything. Just voicing my opinion. You probably won't take my word from a "toxic" player" Well if that is the case i voiced my opinion on x-ray. If your gonna do it don't tell don't say. It wasn't stated...that even talking about xray is bad..just using it