Well now that siliconia has no spawn, I have plans for it to be a modern skyscraper with maybe a beacon on top. Any ways i will be using 10+ stacks of quartz blocks, 150+ stacks of ice, 75+ stacks of glass, 50+ stacks of wood in general. The sky scrapper has plans to be over 200 blocks tall and it can not cover more than 46x46 plot, so I am going to have fun building it in these next few weeks while i already have hunter-gatherers out getting my supplies. Thank you for your time and i shall keep you posted on the progress on the ultimate project. If you would like to help/volunteer post below with the following information. IGN: ex: TheTechGeek245 Building Skill (Opinion): ex: 4/10 Time when you will be on to help: ex: 5-6 pm on friday (or any amount of days) Your Current Time Zone: ex: est What job you would like to do: ex: umm build if i can i can also help with supplies
Having it that tall, you may as well have the town live inside of it... Actually, that's not a bad idea. Copyrighting it now! On a side note. I remember the VoxelBox youtube channel doing a sky scraper building tutorial a while back. They're some of the better builders out there, so it may be worth checking out.
i have seen many skyscrapers in New York when i went there (for thanksgiving ) so i am determined to get an actuall skyscraper in the town so i have been looking at various skyscraper builds to give me inspiration to make one
a skyscrapper building has been chosen to be a base the one on the right has been chosen (The Wintergarden Skyscraper)
Yes totally awesome but it will take ferever to build... But it'll be worth it. Ttyl need ta sleep lol.
found new picture we will have to figure out another building material the choices are sandstone(smooth and reg), quartz and stone
Stone for the frame, with an entirely glass case, quartz detailing. Outside is almost a base cylinder, so hardly complex to build, just do multiple nerd poles with a 2x2x4 pool of water down the bottom to jump into from the top (That's how I did it in beta anyway). Something to be careful of would be the notched portion in the middle. I would make the build in two halfs; so construct the bottom half like I just suggested, construct the notch, then repeat for the upper section. Internal floors are up to your discretion. 4 or 5 blocks of air for each floor sounds about right. I use 3 high for homes, 4 for extravagant homes; 5 is generally a bit high for me, but that's still 40 floors for you to play around with.
the cylinder will be made of ice blocks and I do like the stone bit but I am not sure i want to do that the actual color is closer to sand stone the floors shall be 5 blocks each 1 floor 1 ceiling 3 air as i believe that's the best option
Not often I see double thick floors, props to you for thinking of it. Maybe the floor as stone for the industrial concrete look that people are so fond of, and ceilings of quartz to simulate white ceiling tiles?
i may do the quarts for the penthouse wish me luckzi forgot to mention that i have quartz hunters getting me supplies
*players return with 2 stacks of quartz block in an hour* good work guys now next time go for 5 stacks we need up wards of 300 stacks for the ceilings