free DRM removal program help

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by SkittlesQueen, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    i'm hoping that some of you folks can help, i have Itunes and want to get a movie onto a dvd, now most of you know Itunes has that DRM protection thing, are there any free(non-trial) drm removal programs out there, i used one before and got a different movie onto a dvd but silly me uninstalled that program and can't find it. so please help me.
    i know its illegal lol
  2. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    If its illegal why it would just be better to buy a digital copy disc and load it on to all your devices
  3. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    Is it possible to move files from itunes to other media reading services?

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    it possible to move itunes music quite easily, no clue about movies :p
  5. Random0ne

    Random0ne Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I don't feel that piracy is an appropriate topic for this forum. Locked.
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