Dyno and myself are running a ranked team for the Shade Crest Community. If you would like to practice and be on the team with us just leave your minecraft name, league name, your preferred position, and your lvl if under 30. We tend to play together a few times per night during the week. On the weekends a bit more. Once I get everyone added and into a chat we will start sorting out an actual team.
I was actually being serious anyone who wants to play with us. Minecraft name- North_Korean League Name- IImplodedAllOver Lvl- 30 Preferred Position- Jungle
Will you guys get mad if I feed cause bad? ign- Bluud2 league-GunGrave QQ level- 30 unranked pref- fill
I know this thread it pretty dead... but if this is still going on: IGN: oiShocKWavesv League: DarkonialNA Lvl: 10 Prefer: Pretty much anywhere but haven't had any experience jungle yet.
CyberVic Lvl 30 Prefer: Support or AP mid. Soraka, Karma, Ali, Kayle, Morgana, Nid, Viktor, many others
At the moment I usually play Ashe, Nidalee, Master Yi or Udyr. Although after a recent ARAM with NMB I found I rather like Vi and will be buying her next.
It would be nice to play some games. NMB and myself play most days together, and we welcome anyone to join. As a side note, if anyone is interested, I created a Fantasy LCS League for us. I don't plan to take it seriously, and it might be a lot of fun. http://fantasy.lolesports.com/en-US/join/league/169208/clpTmOKKuyqUml4d61ED
So will this team be ranked or just us crushing in norms and Arams and if it is ranked which team will we use? Also we should get a list of possible roles for everyone that they are best at/would like to play.
So LoL has released a couple of new songs pertaining to Pentakill( group of champions that have skins pertaining to a rockband). They released around 4 songs today in fact. I took it upon myself to make a playlist of the 7 songs so I can listen to them while playing LoL. The playlist link is down below. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhDXrekWel9jmezgMd7xkhcYBqQ9-4BcT You could also make your own playlist because that will be easier for you to access quickly but if you don't know how or are too lazy to, Enjoy!
Hello, Im interested in your ranked teams for League as I play a lot of league of legends. LoL name: Zarek Aello Preferred roll: Mid/support. Lvl 30 Rank: Gold Division 4