What does your name mean?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by CanOpenerTrooper, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    What does your irl name mean? Just search for your first name with this site.


    Well, here I go...

    Probably the best looking person ever. He is smart and daring. He also gets all of the ladies. Gabriel was the first billionaire president of the world. He also spells shit however he wants so don't correct him. He is tight with Chuck Norris, and hes gods other son. In essence he is t3h hax0rs.

    Damn dude, you're such a Gabriel for hooking up with Jessica Alba

    Thanks you're quite a Gabriel yourself!

    I am satisfied for the most part with my name :I
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  2. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    A kind of girl superior to the rest; the smartest, most beautiful girls in the world are named Michelle, they all have amazing singing voices, and are the best at speaking French, and are excellent at Biology. Sometimes they might not think they are special, but it's a temporary mental disorder; all girls named Michelle are special, and are in fact destined for greatness.

    This is actually really scary because I'm taking French, and have one of the highest AP Bio grades in my class.

    I can't sing at all though.
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  3. aarondang

    aarondang Active Member

    Well my real life name is Ronald. Ronald King: Warrior, knight in shinning armor. All the women dream of being with a Ronald. tall, dark, and handsome, intelligent, and ravashing,
    Ronald is a king. Ruler of the land.
    Ronald the warrior of all.
    Knowing that ronald is around, you'll always have your knight in shining armor.
    Ronald: tall, dark, and handsome.
    Being a ronald makes you a ravashing Ron Dawg.
    I would still like my name to be aaron though D;.
    Lmao, I looked up aaron but I don't want to post it
  4. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    I'll do it for you.


    In India "Aaron" is a slang word for pimp.

    The name that really means "My parents were too lazy to look past the first name in the book"... or, just a really cool guy in general. Best name ever.

    The next definition is just urr... no.
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  5. aarondang

    aarondang Active Member

    The third one.. Its creepy how it is correct. I might have been born a aaron but my parents named me Ronald.
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  6. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP



    I pulled an Archenemy666.
  7. aarondang

    aarondang Active Member

    Wow, so weird. Just talked to my mom and asked her if she would have wanted to name me aaron. She said she did but my grandma told her to name me Ronald. Why grandma ,Why????????????????
    thodazarexrt and Flamestar00 like this.
  8. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Ronald McDonald OP clown.
  9. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    -Generally pretty hot. Always makes a good boyfriend, funny, has much integrity, intelligence and wit. Sometimes says weird, off-the-wall things. Big movie buff.

    -one fine mutha ****er.

    -The most sexy guy ever! He is so perfect ANY girl would be lucky to have him. And he knows how to treat a lady.

    -Kody is ****ing awesome, hands down. You can tell someone is a Kody when you see him. He's obviously a god of zombies (able to use holy magic) or some kind of undead. And the fact that he's a raptor is just known to everyone. Kody is a household name. Guys want to be him, girls want to be with him.

    -The most sexy guy ever! He lives in Lampman and his brothers are also pretty fine, but nothing compared to him! He is so perfect and ANY girl would be lucky to have him! and he knows how to treat a lady.

    -The awesomest guy in the world! Sweet and cute(; His girlfriend loves him very much.

    -Kody is the most wonderful caring warm person with the most magical blue eyes in the world! there is no bad side of a kody, he makes you feel warm and safe. He is easy to fall in love with, he knows how to make a girl feel beautiful and loved. He is loved very much by many but probably alot more by one particular gal (This is a bit weird because I have blue eyes hahahahaha).
  10. AwesomeGuy2010

    AwesomeGuy2010 Active Member

    Generous, kind, loving, caring, very hot, down to earth, beautiful, funny, someone who will make you change your way of life or make you realize deep inner feelings, very good listener. :)

    The other defenitions are just plain stupid.
  11. waterpower1

    waterpower1 Active Member

    Here is mine:

    This is a difficult name to define because it defies many boundaries of human perception, let alone various languages.

    Despite the fact that various names have been pinned to Daniel, its seems that all of the above examples (including that of God) cannot even withstand the magnitude of Daniel.
    The reason this name continues to elude even the brightest of human minds is that the idea of Daniel cannot possibly exist in a dimensional state. Daniel is so powerful, it defies all laws of this or any other universe. Recent studies have shown that people who have attempted to comprehend this name have either disappeared, died spontaneously, or driven themselves into a pertinent state of insanity and/or catatonia. One common belief is that Daniel is possibly the grounds on which everything and nothing is based. It seems to surpass the idea of infinity. Quantum physicists report that this Daniel is Everything and Nothing. It or He is said to have unexplainable connections with the String and Superstring Theories as Daniel resonates within every single layer of the multi-dimensional complex and yet still exists beyond that point which is where scientists have lost the trail.
    thodazarexrt and AnnodynS like this.
  12. thechooosen1

    thechooosen1 Active Member VIP

    Hi my name is Lachlan but usually referred to as Lachie :) A male. A scottish name which means: "the boy from the Lochs"

    Greek determination: Eros

    A Lachie is a very generous, funny, sweet, and good looking male. He is considerate and always makes sure his friends are happy.

    When females get to know a Lachie, they might never forget about him, and always think of him
    Girl 1: "hey Lachie"
    Lachie: "Heyy :)"
    Girl 1: "<3"

    And this is for Lachlan:
    That kid that never really does his work in school and spends of his time talking about anything and everything and making people laugh.
    Person 1: Oh My God! xD He is SOOO Lachlan!
    Person 2: Yeah I know, he nevers does his work but fuck he is funny lol

    Fuck me this are both incredible accurate like no joke! Maybe not the funny part other than that!
    thodazarexrt and AnnodynS like this.
  13. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Joshua is a sexy, masculine individual exuding the most desirable of traits. Although Joshua may be timid at first, his genuine and compassionate charm shine through above all things. He can be trusted with any secret and will always pull through even when the going gets tough. His understanding and supportive nature can put anyone at ease as he is never judgmental but rather always willing to listen with an open mind. He is the epitome of a true man.

    My boyfriend is an absolute Joshua.

    But I generally prefer that people refer to me as Josh, so...
    Future ruler/ender of the world, often likes to destroy people by throwing busses full of children at them. Sometimes puppies are in place of children. Does not give a damn about what you think, and will pretty much eat your soul.

    Only reason why i'm still alive is because Josh hasn't found me yet!
    thodazarexrt and AnnodynS like this.
  14. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Well there's two meaning for Liam.

    Meaning 1:
    Pretty much the smartest and most handsome guy around, who apparently breaks hearts left right and centre?

    Meaning 2:
    A pimp.

    I wonder which is more accurate?
  15. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    I don't think any of my name's definitions would be even remotely appropriate for this fotum, haha.

    Edit: 6th definition (you can look up the first 5 on your own if you really like)
    - Nates are caring and the most lovable guy you could ever meet! Never let them go they will be important to you! They are caring, lovable, nice, hot, cute and funny! You will probaby fall for one if you ever meet a Nate! If you ever meet one you are very lucky! Treasure them in your heart because one day they will be important! They also like to help people with personal problems and they are dependable!!Your dating a Nate? LUCKY!!!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I437 using Tapatalk 2
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  16. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    I'm honestly surprised we got this many appropriate ones.
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  17. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP

    Me too, considering urban dictionary is like Wikipedia for trolls.
    thodazarexrt likes this.
  18. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    It's almost weird how accurate these are.
    thechooosen1 likes this.
  19. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    This name thing is really accurate Haha I'm quite supprised
  20. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    You're definitely a pimp, keep the pimp hand strong my brother. ;)