MUAHAHAHA!!!! EPIC ARENA IS NOT EVEN HALFWAY DONE, BUT SO FAR IT'S... EPIC!!! It has been just hard work when it comes to this map, but it looks good so far, and other than half the map being missing, and a few bugs here and there, things are going as planned. Here are some neat things! This is the main HUB, cool, huh? Ooooh. What is this cave's purpose? Looks like an excavation! A small little village! There are a few shops, more are going to be added. Another cave? This one seems to have a teleporter ready to send players to new places. This is the first Arena so far. There are probably going to be 10... but will there be secret ones? Tell me what you think! And please go to my content to help out! I need books, weapons, and other things!
hehe. Wait until you've under the hood! Redstone, command blocks, custom villager trades, custom items, 'tis going to be TRULY, epic.