Hehehe! I am making a fun little map to fight mobs on, it will have multiple arenas, custom potions, and shops. But, I am also making weapons! From a piece of beef that kills the undead in one hit, to a shovel that hit's home-runs, I have many weapons, however, I want many more! Can you guys gimme some idea of what to make? You will receive credit, of course. The kind of item is limited to what can be made in MCedit using custom item strings, and enchants. If you want, I can also have special potions. I will not be able to make all of them, only the best ones, so make sure your idea is excellent!
The Erik Sword - a wooden sword that has Bane of Arthropods I, Smite I, Sharpness I, Unbreaking M (1000, or at least something really, really high) and Knockback 99
Pie's 2nd Tier Sword Un CCCXIV Sharp CCCXIV Bane CCCXIV Smite CCCXIV Fire Aspect CCCXIV Knockback CCCXIV and Looting CCCXIV
How about I just call it Piesquared's Extremely Overpowered Blade and give it everything except looting, knockback, and fire aspect. Also, everything left will be level 2. I want to keep it almost balanced
I'm not sure what you can do but a "potion of rage" came to mind. A splash potion that has poison and speed. (Idea from one of the greatest zombie movies 28 Days Later)
I actually have a "Zombie Potion". gives you hunger 3, Slowness 1, Resistance 2, Strength 2, and Night vision
There should be a way to give potion effects to items (so that when you hold them you get the potion effect) So, The Sacred Water. It gives the effect of regeneration and slowness II when held.