What is your IGN?Cory_iz_legend Who banned you?(use @<full username>)Awastedlife Why were you banned(ban message)?I remember you (awastedlife) When were you banned?2 year's ago How long is your ban?permanent Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? I was advertising on sign's in my house. ALso I was PVPing in a peacful town ,and i can on with ALT's i act like i didnt know cory_iz_legend (alt's Chungwu and dragonnewt123) Why should you be unbanned?I think it would be nice addition back to the community. Also I think over the past 2 Year's i've changed my perspective on Great server's like this one. I would'nt want harm a server like this or I wouldnt want to ruin there experience on this lovely server Thanx for your time -cory