LlamamasterWoW's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by LlamamasterWoW, Aug 10, 2013.

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  1. LlamamasterWoW

    LlamamasterWoW New Member

    Hello, my name is LlamamasterWoW. I was banned by ezieger92 for breaking blocks in a store and house. I was banned earliar today (August 10th) but I do not remember the exact time. I do not know how long my ban is because Ban Check is not working, at least for me. As for the blocks in the store, I broke my way out through a wall. Same for the house/ building. I think I should be unbanned because it was my first time and I was never really warned. Thank you for your time.
  2. LlamamasterWoW

    LlamamasterWoW New Member

    As for the ban message, "Griefing, you really should have known better. I gave you a warning! -ezeiger92"
  3. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    I told you to replace the blocks in the store, which you did. Later, I teleported to you, and watched you bust through a wall (right next to a door) and start tearing down furnaces. I banned you, and looked around for more damage, and found you took the enchantment table that was in the shop.
  4. LlamamasterWoW

    LlamamasterWoW New Member

    I understand and admit to those accusations. I will return all the furnaces and the table I took.
  5. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    5 day temp ban. I rolled back the damage you caused. Don't do it again.
  6. LlamamasterWoW

    LlamamasterWoW New Member

    Okay, thank you very much for your time.
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