
Discussion in 'Finger Pointing' started by MaddiegreeN, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. MaddiegreeN

    MaddiegreeN Member

    What is your IGN?: MaddiegreeN

    What is the IGN of the offenders?: Phasemaster1

    Which rules did they break?: They are coming to our home after being told to stay away multiple times, taking screenshots of us capsing in local, they stole a gold horse armor, and this -->

    Are there any witnesses? What are their IGN's?: CloverGreen_,Morgan's_World10, HappyHippo56, and Warlordofnotch.

    Did you talk to the people who were doing the rule-breaking? What did they say?: I did not, but CloverGreen and the others did.

    Around what time did it happen? (include timezone): Not sure, 2-4 days ago, Pacific.

    Do you think they should be given a punishment for this?: Yes. Especially because he's been banned multiple times before. He needs to go.

    Do you have screenshot(s) or video(s) of the incident (example: chat logs)? Post them at the end of the post:

    Were any mods or admins on at the time this happened? Who were they?: Majesticmoose has been informed on the armor thing.

    Have they broke a rule(s) before? Which ones?: Not sure, I bet the admins know though.
  2. PhaseMaster

    PhaseMaster New Member

    i did not steal any gold horse armor. I left you alone after you asked. Staff already worked it out and they said they trusted me that i didnt take it. Why would i steal?
  3. MaddiegreeN

    MaddiegreeN Member

    Because you've stolen before? And you did NOT leave when we asked, you kept coming back again and again.
  4. PhaseMaster

    PhaseMaster New Member

    stolen what before? ask random, he will tell you i was cleared and proven innocent.
  5. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    I'll take care of this.
  6. PhaseMaster

    PhaseMaster New Member

    why was i banned?
  7. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    make a proper appeal.
  8. PhaseMaster

    PhaseMaster New Member

    Ok i made one, please check it.