What is your IGN?: MaddiegreeN What is the IGN of the offenders?: Phasemaster1 Which rules did they break?: They are coming to our home after being told to stay away multiple times, taking screenshots of us capsing in local, they stole a gold horse armor, and this --> http://www.shadecrest.com/site/index.php?threads/5089/ Are there any witnesses? What are their IGN's?: CloverGreen_,Morgan's_World10, HappyHippo56, and Warlordofnotch. Did you talk to the people who were doing the rule-breaking? What did they say?: I did not, but CloverGreen and the others did. Around what time did it happen? (include timezone): Not sure, 2-4 days ago, Pacific. Do you think they should be given a punishment for this?: Yes. Especially because he's been banned multiple times before. He needs to go. Do you have screenshot(s) or video(s) of the incident (example: chat logs)? Post them at the end of the post: Were any mods or admins on at the time this happened? Who were they?: Majesticmoose has been informed on the armor thing. Have they broke a rule(s) before? Which ones?: Not sure, I bet the admins know though.
i did not steal any gold horse armor. I left you alone after you asked. Staff already worked it out and they said they trusted me that i didnt take it. Why would i steal?
Because you've stolen before? And you did NOT leave when we asked, you kept coming back again and again.