What is your IGN? LeafGreen877 Who banned you? majestic_moose Why were you banned? Griefing When were you banned? July 22 How long is your ban? Permanent Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? Due to PhaseMaster1 putting a large cobblestone structure above the town farm I removed the farm and replanted it elsewhere so it could have optimal growing conditions. The area were the former farm was is now a mushroom farm. Also, PhaseMaster1 did not read the signs I had placed and went headlong into the /modreq. He was perfectly fine with what I did so in all terms, I should not be banned. Why should you be unbanned? I was only moving the farm, not permanently destroying it.
I assumed it was griefing because Phase made a modreq saying he had been griefed. In future, if you're going to modify something in a town without asking, either place signs at it explaining or /mail send <player> <message> telling people in your town what you've done. The ban was 3 days, but I'll take your word on this and unban you