hywzerboydy's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by hywzerboydy, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. hywzerboydy

    hywzerboydy Active Member VIP

    What is your IGN? hywzerboydy

    Who banned you?(use @<full username>) sharqman

    Why were you banned(ban message)? bug abuse

    When were you banned? Last weekend I presume

    How long is your ban? Not sure, the ban check is broken

    Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? I was using the ptp command which was a mixup I think and became available to players by accident and many players used this thinking it was okay to use.

    Why should you be unbanned? I truly didn't think that this was a bug along wih anyone else who used this command, I even asked about it in chat and was told it was a new addition, I can't remember exactly what was said, if I knew that this was a bug I wouldn't have used it and reported it straight away, like I did when you could get free logs from hawkeye, I am truly sorry fo using this and I promise that I wilkl never use it again. Thank you for reading my appeal.
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    hywzerboydy likes this.
  3. hywzerboydy

    hywzerboydy Active Member VIP

    Thank you :)