Banned for First Time

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by thatcoolperson, Jul 5, 2013.


Was this a reasonable ban?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. thatcoolperson

    thatcoolperson New Member

    What is Your IGN?: thatcoolperson

    Who Banned You?: Padaun

    Why Were You Banned?: PVP warping after Dreamz (iiDreamzHD) warned not to; Would not respond to me

    When Were You Banned?: 7/5/2013

    How Long is Your Ban?: N/A

    Can You Explain What You Know About the Ban in More Detail?: Not really, I was afk when the ban happened

    Why Should You be Unbanned?: Well, for starters, iiDreamzHD never even warned me not to warp away. Me and my friend Treyman were raiding Babylon and tehrawb and Dreamz arrived so Trey left and said I should too so I said "Ok let me grab a few more things first." so I went and grabbed a few things then I started typing (I'm a slow typer plus I look at the keyboard as I type) /warp home but then realized there's no word "warp" to warp home so I erased it and re-wrote home and Dreamz saw me as I was typing and came after me. I saw him as I was warping. After that I was afk while Padaun was apparently talking to me. I think this ban was unfair. If anyone knows how long I was banned, please reply.
  2. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    Sorry about the first part; Dreamzz said in local that nobody was allowed to warp, and he said that he knew Trey had heard him and assumed you had as well, and in this instance, you said that Trey left first and you left afterwards. If Trey had indeed heard, you should have as well. Furthermore, I was following Dreamzz the entire chase after you. We were indeed chasing you, we chased you into a house, and you snuck until you warped away. You are also obligated to ask before you warp away. You had 3 people after you, and you need to make sure that you can warp before you do so. You are, however, allowed to run away from the city, and when you can no longer be heard in local for some time, you may then warp away. I'll shorten the ban to 1 day, but don't do it again. You also didn't, however, explain why you didn't respond after I spoke to you. I /tell'd you within 20 or 30 seconds of you warping away.
  3. thatcoolperson

    thatcoolperson New Member

    Ok thank you Padaun I don't fully understand PvP rules yet and I didn't know you knew where I was. Plus I was afk after I warped away.
  4. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    Also, don't put polls on ban appeals
  5. thatcoolperson

    thatcoolperson New Member

    Could someone un-ban me now? It's been almost two weeks.
  6. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Pad must've forgot, i'll do it now
  7. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    -t isn't working apparently... I've done a bunch of -t bans and it hasn't been automatic... either that or I just suck at it
  8. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    If you're updating a perm ban you need to unban first
  9. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    That must be the issue, thanks moose