So for a very long time I have been having this strange problem on the survival server. it doesn't happen on the creative server for some strange reason. The problem: When I play at native resolution for my computer and a lower res I get a mix of 60 FPS and then down to 10..... For around 8-10 seconds I will be at my typical 60 fps, then I wil drop down to 8 fps for around 5 seconds. It is extremely frustrating (first world problems) I even try lowering the graphics & render distance but it still happens. I doubt it is my computer as it works fine in other servers... Is anyone else getting this problem? Hopefully soon with my new custom computer I won't get this issue, although in the meantime I have to play on my laptop.
It is probably the area you are in causing the lag, make a modreq where you are getting the low FPS, also are you just tping their? Sometimes your fps lowers so you can render chunks faster.
I have focused more on the areas that are causing this lag. it seems to be loads of specific 10x10 block areas....