Hey guys, me and my best friend - ThEaXkIllEr are going to make mods We didnt really have a topic for what new stuff is in it but i guess we will make some new blocks and items Once the mod is (sorta) Done, ill post it on minecraft forums. Theres just one problem - Ideas. We cant think of anything to put in the mod to make it stand out We can make - Blocks, Ores, Items, Weapons, Pickaxes, and Mobs maybe a new ore better then diamonds? maybe a new weapon that can set others on fire? If you give ideas on this topic, ill include you in the post on minecraft forums Heres What im Working On: KEY: X = Not in Progress Yet O = In Progress = Done Hellstone Ore (Name in Progress) O (Thanks Wkdclwncar) Hellstone Pickaxe and tools X Hellstone Block O Speedsum ore X Speedsum Pickaxes and Tools X Speedsum Block O Waterun Ore X Waterun Pickaxe and Tools X Waterun Block O The deadline is probably about 9/30 or somewhat in the time around please help me for ideas thanks for at least reading this. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqw03jat7B1qdckdro1_500.gif ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I make this happen.
Heres my idea. Add a rare ore (between gold and diamond in rarity) in the Nether, call it Hellstone ore or something similar. Tools made with it could last almost as long as diamond but break slightly quicker. Armor made with it could give some form of fire damage resistance or reduction. And weapons made with it (maybe swords ANd bow?) could light targets on fire, or do extra fire damage. This would simultaneously add more options for tools, weapons and armor, but also liven up the Nether a little and make it more worthwhile. Perhaps you could even make torches from it that burn a little brighter? I dont know how much you can do with mods. Thats my idea in a nutshell, feel free to use it or not
Thats a Great Idea! ill try to make it But i cant make the fire resistance although theres a potion for it, But the problem is that it just doesnt work.