[ACCEPTED]Melinahites Mod App

Discussion in 'Requests and Reports' started by MelinaHites, May 18, 2013.


Do you think I will be a good Moderator?

  1. Yes

    14 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
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  1. MelinaHites

    MelinaHites Active Member VIP

    What is your IGN? Melinahites

    Have you ever been banned from this server? If so, explain. Nope

    Are you 14 or older, and if not are you mature enough to be considered? I am 20.5 years. And for the most part i believe i am mature enough. but i do suppose that is up the staff to decide :p.

    Have you ever been a moderator/admin on another server/this one? Been a moderator on a couple of servers.i liked being able to help people and answering their question. each instance the server was shut down due to the owners deciding to discontinue it. I have been an admin twice. the first occasion i stepped down to moderator because i was working two jobs and couldn't be on as often as the owners wanted me to. and second one (and im kinda ashamed to admit this) i was demoted. i am an extreamly stubbron person. i was op'ed and rewrote the perms file so it made more sense and the owner became upset when he saw that i had done this he demoted me down to mod-1. meaning i was player with the ability to slap players for dumbness. i quit the server shortly thereafter.

    When were you first seen on the server? November 10 2012.

    Do you have skype/teamspeak/smartphone with tapatalk? Skype, yes. I am fairly active on Teamspeak, but i am not putting it on my phone i have 0% space left and taptalk i got like a month ago but havent really played around with it all.

    Are you active on the server? On at least once a day for generally 2+ hours.

    Are you active on the forum? I lurk. Don't generally post. Because i find i really dont have a lot to say. I am on reading what people are saying.

    Forum post count? A whopping 27. after this 28

    What time zone do live in? GMT -6

    How often are you online, and is there any time in the foreseeable future that you will be gone for a week or more? I live on the interwebz.... well not really. I am online at least once a day.

    What sets you apart? Why should you be picked?

    I quite like shadecrest. I am still here after 8 months. And will be for the foreseeable future. I wont be starting school againg until 2014 so no worries there. I love playing here. Im a pretty unique cookie. I talk weird (like sentence structure wise). Super sarcastic in the best possible way. And i really like helping people. :D

    Just wanted to add. It pisses me off when there are people advertising and generally being jerkish ass hats when there is no staff on but they are good munchkins when the staff are on. I seem to be on a lot of the time during the day when there isn't many other people on.

    and that's my application. await your decision *thank you*

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