Id like to suggest that we get a party chatt plugin as most bigger builds is way bigger than the local range and that gives some issues when theres more than 2 ppl working on the same builds. Iam aware that we do have ts and such but for the times a voice chatt isent a option a party chatt/area chatt option would be nice. Might be worth a discussion atleast
I like this idea, because I don't personally use teamspeak, and I know a lot of others on the server don't also.
Well using TS dosent rule out the need for a party chatt in my opinion. Im using voicechatt for most games MC included but being able to talk in text is important aswell and its anoying to have to switch to /o or run a few 100 blocks just to say something
Yeah having private chat channels would be awesome. I know a lot of people would like to see this. One option is to just add mcmmo and disable everything but the chat system. The mcmmo chat system is very simple and easy to use, but not really sure what other pluggins are available.
that is a solution even tho i personally would rather see a proper private chatt as i and alot of the ppl i build whit tend to pop around alot to help/assist ppl whit other stuff while building. if there isent a good plugin for a private chatt i do understand the reasoning thought.
Would be good, but I would keep flitting around to run tests nowadays as it seems to fit my style to just do a buttload of shape testing. would recommend having builder II and up for party leader perms, everyone else party user perms
TehRawB Chuck a poll on top so that we can vote for this. Makes it easier for whoever's going to put this into practice to see what's going on.
i honestly feel like we need it quite badly. But then again i do build alot whit others and using /msg is a pain when trying to talk to 2+ ppl at the same time.