The person who banned me awastedlife Hello, I was regrettably banned from the server late yesterday evening due to a misunderstanding. I do not know the exact time or the length of the ban. My friend and I found a spawner and where unaware at the time that it was illegal to do any with it. We built a mob trap, unknowingly against the rules. We are both very new to the server. I had been warned by Awastedlife to take it down and so what we did was remove the lava and water and just blocked up the spawner so that you could kill the zombies to get exp. I did not know that this was still illegal, and Awastedlife was not online, or in the area so that I could ask. I do apologize for disregarding the rules, and if allowed back onto the server I will destroy the spawner and do whatever else is necessary to make recompense for my actions. Thank you for your consideration, Rosellamy
If you weren't sure about the rules, you should've read them Mob spawners and mob spawn arenas are legal following: No auto farms Players should have no advantages over mobs They do not cause lag The ban is only two days, and you were banned about 12 hours ago. We know you'll make the spawner legal, don't feel obliged to destroy the spawner itself, we would've done that if necessary, just make it more like it is naturally
the funny part is I did read through all the rules there are just a lot to remember, but your right I should have checked. Thank you.