Unjustly Banned

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by sheng_cheng, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. sheng_cheng

    sheng_cheng New Member

    Dear Mods,
    I have been playing on ShadeCrest for a while now and have had a great time building with others. Do my dismay, upon attempting to log in this afternoon I was greeted with the message "Vandalizing work and being immature. (lion)". I may be immature at times, but certainly nothing against the rules and I have never vandalized anything on this server. I would like to know what I am accused of vandalizing. This is not court, but this is a 6th amendment right under the US constitution. Please reconsider and I will await for response. (Apologies for not indenting; I do not know how to do that on this text editor)
  2. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

  3. Lionfish12

    Lionfish12 Active Member Creative Architect

    Someone messaged me saying they found something 'immature' put on a statue. I used prism to see who did it, and it was you, on a statue of yours. It's only a two day ban.

    Edit: I accidentally perm banned you, now you are banned for two days. xD
  4. sheng_cheng

    sheng_cheng New Member

    Never mind, I have talked to her and figured out the issue. This can be closed now.
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