Last words, for now, lelelelel

Discussion in 'Server Media' started by WunderCoon, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    So yes, i am cobra63. and so is, stords,Krispy_kreme13,Octoe, Sneaky_panda, and Wunder :), and I'd just like to say, I was never using nodus, i was lagging from the proxie switcher, i was IP banned, so, i wasnt hacking, Dunzzzz worry, i will be back :p dont miss me for too long, <3
  2. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Can you stop instigating so much drama? If you want to play here so badly, have a new account, keep to yourself, and don't hack. Problem solved. :)
    AnnodynS likes this.
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Seriously you're psychotic.
  4. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    Quiet, i never hacked on this server, except when i was a nOOb on cobra about 10 months ago, Why would i hack on these beautiful servers, i was lagging because of a proxy switcher, I was IP banned, and dont worry im buying another account soon, so dont miss me for too long, and sharq, <3
  5. Ralk75

    Ralk75 Active Member

  6. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Again, get a clue dude. If you keep giving away the fact that your cobra, nobody will want you around. Just keep to yourself if you want to play here so badly and just follow the rules -_- That's honestly all I can say to you if you're not going to to grief/xray.
  7. Ralk75

    Ralk75 Active Member

    Why would you hack on a server anyways? I never have used that type of stuff even on singlerplayer (well there are singlerplayer commands now)
  8. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    People already knew i was cobra before i made this post, some how xD
  9. Ralk75

    Ralk75 Active Member

    I didn't, but most likely because of how you acted, if you have two accounts and it is a secret act differently on both. (Why am I telling you this?)
  10. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I suspected you when I first saw you, so did other admins.
  11. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    Is that so? How, im actually curious
  12. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    Ralk your telling me because you luv me
  13. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I didn't know cobra that well, but you have the same behaviors as Stords, not to mention you knew who I was right when I logged in.
  14. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    And ralk i hacked on this server like 10 months ago, not even hack, i used a crap xray texture pack, i was a super noob thats why lol
  15. WunderCoon

    WunderCoon New Member

    sharq i was just saying hi to every admin lolol, i didnt 'know' you, i was just trying to become friends with you again <3
  16. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    I'm locking this thread. This is ridiculous.
    Flash526, QuietSea and Nifix like this.
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