I didn't do anything wrong. Charmander 657, a player who was already banned form this server and a friend of mine, was at my house and played this server through my account. I told him not to get me banned, but he went a did something very innapropriate, and got me banned. Before I could fix it, I was banned.
Rule 1: Never let anyone else have control of your account for a single second, any damage done by your account is done by you regardless of the IRL circumstances. I am afraid that you are responsible for any action taken and will have to suffer the consequences.
I think it was millla for abusive image a few days ago, perm. Although im 70% certain that infos right, memories blury lol
Yeah I was the person who did the banning. It was for writing some incredibly offensive things on signs/items about other players. As a360p said, you are responsible for your own account, and what I saw was flat out vulgar and directed and specific players. I don't think "My friend did it" is going to work here. If any other admins need specifics just PM me. I'm not posting that garbage here.
Well, how do I get back in? I didnt do it, (Charmander657 did it) and I cant fix it. I know the offense was to Annodyn, who was the person who banned Char. How can you hold me responsible. I made him swear that he wouldn't do anything bad. I'm sorry I ever let him onto my account. I apologize for not thinking it through and know that I should have been more careful.