Magic Carpet and Auto Torch Placing.

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by North_Korean, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    Quite a while ago you usto be able to be those for I believe 10k rupies? Well recently I noticed how creative does its donate (3 dollars- not so sure the amount someone please clarify?) get world edit for a few days deal. Why not do that for survival? If you donate idk 5 dollars you get magic carpet or auto torch placing for 3 days and then it expires could add some revenue for builders who want magic carpet to build huge towers and miners who are lazy with placing torches.

    Please share opinions!!!
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Magic carpet is buggy, making it not all that useful. I think we should check if the glowstone hat is working properly again as a better alternative to the auto torch placement. Most likely the torch plugin is outdated.
    QuietSea likes this.
  3. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    What sharq said. I never liked magic carpet too much anyway
  4. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Magic carpet was such a bad way of going up and down, placing/removing dirt is more efficient in most situations. Magic carpet also tends to create PvP rule gray areas, and just more problems than it's worth.