Saying bye to Shadecrest Friends.. for now..

Discussion in 'Good Byes' started by AnnodynS, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    Hey Guys,

    I sent a message to some of the staff about my resignation but I never really said 'good-bye' to the general public. I had to resign from admin and really stop playing MC because frankly... it was so fun I kinda let it take over too much of my every day life.

    As you know I'm a mom.. and down to only one child at home. Since he's 18 and loves games and is pretty busy himself, I've ended up with a lot of free time this year.. too much of which was being spent on the game this last year.

    For some reason, attempts to cut back haven't worked.. so cold turkey seemed the only option. It's been seven days without being on the server and frankly it's you guys I miss the most.. not the game as much as I love that.

    It was VERY hard to quit. Even being here on the forums is terribly tempting lol. I love you and will miss you all so much... especially the 7-11pm creative crowd that I spent so much time with.

    Who knows, if I get my life back in better balance.. which I do feel I'm doing now, I may be able to return and not let the play time get out of hand. You guys are all so sweet, friendly, talented and creative.. just amazing players altogether!

    <3 you and missing you tons.. Hope to be able to come back in small doses later this month. :)

    Donna R
  2. Bighappysmiles

    Bighappysmiles New Member

    =( Bye Annodyn! I know I'm new but we have had some good conversations together, anyway, cya later! And don't forget to Smile!

  3. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    I really like you Smiles.. and I'll miss you. Don't worry.. I'll try to smile eventually. Sigh.. mostly sad.. but every morning seems a little more cheery. I have plenty to smile about just don't feel much like doing it... especially in the evenings which are SOOooo long! lol
  4. iamenrique123

    iamenrique123 Active Member VIP

    I never really got to know you well, but from what I could see, you were/are one of the better liked players on the server. If you do choose to return, I'd like to get to know you better. I offer you a warm farewell.
  5. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    I've always liked you Iam.. and your buildings. :) Thanks so much.
  6. waterpower1

    waterpower1 Active Member

    Ann, please tell me that you are joking or that this is just a horrible dream! Ever since you first joined shadecrest you were kind, helpful and a great builder. You helped the shadecrest society along every step of the way and improved it in many ways previously thought impossible, rising from guest all the way up to architect and admin. But now that you are leaving, we realise just how much work you have put in to shadecrest. Please, please do come back soon, we will miss you every second you are away!
    imaxorz likes this.
  7. InvaderZar

    InvaderZar Member

    Ann... I know I don't get on creative much anymore, But I freakin adore you! You're always nice to me and I will truly miss you. Stay cool <3