Red_rain3s Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Red_rain3, Jan 30, 2013.

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  1. Red_rain3

    Red_rain3 New Member

    I'm Red_rain3, you might remember me on the creative and survival server. I would like to come back onto both servers for two different reasons.

    First i will talk about the survival server. Now the reason i want to go back to the survival server is because my brother, Gledhill98, has come back into the server and the reason i got banned was because i was swearing and telling you to bring him back into the server. I'm very sorry about what i did and want to come back and help out with the server.

    Now onto the creative server. I would like to come back because i think i have a creative mind and love the community, i got banned from that because i was disrespectful and swore. I'm really sorry.

    Please bring me back to both servers i think i will make a great addition to the community. Thank's
  2. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Unbanned... Next time don't spam chat and curse at me when I didn't even do anything... -_-
    DeeeezNutz likes this.
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