Hello Shade Crest!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by LyndhurstV, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. LyndhurstV

    LyndhurstV New Member

    Hello members of Shade Crest, it's been a while since I properly came online and had fun. Lately I've had exams and so forth, which makes it difficult for me to play. But now they're complete and I can play once again.

    See you all in-game!
  2. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Hey Lynd! welcome back :)
  3. LyndhurstV

    LyndhurstV New Member

    Thank you Pieman_Is_God, congratulations on becoming a creative server admin!
  4. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect