The problem is people can produce what ever they need expect for big monuments, but if they are made by server all stuff will be spawned. The game doesnt have religion either wich would need us to like give gifts to gods wich was one of the major thngs of geting money in midle ages etc But as some one said why should admins be spawning items for people who make big monuments for server ? The Pyramids in Egypt were made by farmers, who didnt have anything to do during winter time when there was no grain to grow. ( So the pyramids were kind of Egypt's way to 1. Show gods they love them 2. Save the farmers by offering them job while they would have nothing to do, and would jsut die of hunger) So Thing i think is the most important thing is to stop spawning for items for big projects, and hire people to clear the land ( paying them money for it) Some cities allredy do this but as towns dont realy build so much big monumets it doesnt realy save the economy. Then about blocks usen in builldings they should be bought bought from players!!! I would sugest of makign a forum post allways when makign new monument telling like 1. We hire X people to clear land and will pay X rupies for every 16 x 16 area then there would be ( Then minimap of the area and plots and people could choose their plots wich they clear like they tell in marketplace plot thread 2.We are buying X Amount of X Recourses Then people would give their offers on forum like that i sell 640 smoothstone for 20 rupies a stack and the best offers will be choosen, this will then later on might lead into forming of companies wich would buy stuff from single users ( Like Mineco atm ) And then give offers about Server monuments. So this way i think it will lead on atleast cobblestone prices that there will be Firsth guy who mines cobble and sells it at the mall Second guy who buys it from the mall ( like 2 R a stack atm ) and smelt it to smooth stone and sell it (for alteast like 16 r A stack atm) at mall or to company. Then Third guy will buy it from mall or own a comapny and would colect lots of stone that way. So he will make then the offer to Monument construction resourses. This would solve the problem of money not moving but still how to get money out of the number 1 & 2 guy, that i dont know In History they would be taxed and or blackmailed with religion stuff to give money away but in game it wont work as people dont allways want to work in game as people did in history! ... But it would be unfair to make like minig warp money fee go up as it would cost to the players who want the money by working, when the others could just chill and get money easier way with mall, companies etc... So then we need a solution for problem of people not using the money, with out making money so hard item to obtain that people would start ignoring money and just start trading with items. The solution wich comes into my head firsth would be Income tax & Gift tax as people get money with selling stuff after all taxing these things would just give the server more money with out realy lowering the the income gotten from trade. it would change the prices a bit but not much. But making like income tax and or gift tax is not possible i gues? So it wont be working allthough giving plugins a feedback about making income and gift tax would be good idea now as they will need to update for 1,8 anyway. But then as we think again about people who dont want to work realy by mining should the be taxed some way? Well i say NO they made they money the way the did it no matter how its was still a way to make money and in history rich people could be just killed by goverment to get their money, but in server it doesnt work as we dont want people to leave server etc. So Taxing for having money, Increasing warp costs (to mining world) or like increasing town tax to server would result in like making unoffical towns & using items to trade what is not wanted. So then the only thing left would be to just acept that amount of money increases all the time... Ofcourse like making a Casino or Stockexchange thing for rich people to double their money might give server some money... So the amount of money in economy will increase, it will result in prices rising wich is normal in also nowadays economy, there is nothing wrong with such inflation! The problem with economy is not having too much money in it, it is that prices of items dont increase! Inflation is way of lowering value of money that way the rich people who have 200, 000 rupies wont lose money their money will just SLOWLY become worthless. The thing wich we are havign now that becouse of admin shops we dont have inflation. Admin shops tell us the gold price and with that we can count like that how much is worth of iron. IF WE WOULD NOT HAVE ANY KIOSK's OR admin shops for normal items we would have normal inflation as thanks to monumets wich server could be making and so will demand and suply will be equal. Ofcourse this way as suply will increase demand has to increase so we will need more monuments, wich would make the world look ugly. That way i would sugsest of making "Monument world" Where people can have their own monuments made & Server monuments. So i would also like the idea of rather than having money people could show their wealth in monuments AND thanks to inflation having money wont be so important as it will lose its value fast. Ofcourse now you would ask wont this mean basicly same as people will go and buy 1000 iron bars nwo and then sell them next month for double price, well yes this could happen BUT as the inflation goes on all the time the money he got from iron bars would lose its worth very fast so would have to buy stuff fast. So people could just start like saving all their stuff as they know their price will increase all the time and not use money at all, but this wouldn't be so bad as prices of Item compared to other items might rise thanks to monuments made. So if guy makes statue of liberty out of iron blocks Iron block prices go up and people can like get lots of money by selling ironblocks and then buy otfer stuff wich price will be down compared to iron price. Basicly the prices will be living and people could buy stuff and sell it for profit. So the whole economy would be like a huge stock exchange so people who sell and buy stuff can either win or lose money in economy, by guesing wich items price will ho up fastest. Also if there will be like milions of money in market and dirt stack would cost 1000 Rupies you could do cut 3 zero's out of the money amount, by making the basic one coin be Like one kR ( Kilo rupie ) wich will after time to be changed to represent normal rupie. Hmmm so what you people think? Theses are my ideas this will make like that you can get money by just buying and selling stuff wich means that economy will be alive! The monuments are ofcourse the number one priority for my ideas towork, and like making them woudl show the power of players rather than money! Even if people wont build their own monuments, the server will wich will mean that rich peoples moeny will lose value thanks to inflation and would force them to buy stuff, and making money by selling stuff people need and buying stuff wich is cheap atm would make people to suport economy..... OR I HOPE SO after all if people wont start making monumets and only server would be making them it would mean that server would need to have a guy to look after of buildign several monuments at the time wich will get complicated.... Well every idea have down and up sides it took me like several hours of thinknig to write this as im on comp i cant play on I better end thinknig before i say same thing many times ( did it allredy ) Things needed - Server monumers Things wich need to be removed -Admin shops
K Thanks Just was bored today so decided to write my thoughts I just think that we need inflation wich is not allowed thanks to admin shops wich give us stable prices