xXRampageXx321 Here

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by xXRampageXx321, Dec 23, 2012.

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  1. xXRampageXx321

    xXRampageXx321 New Member

    Hey guys long time no sea, so I was banned like months ago I was wondering if i could be allowed back on. The server was great last I left and I belive over the months, as im man enough to say "matured more" And I would really like to get back in. Your server has to be one of the best cant find another.

    So if you please could unban me I just want to build on the server again that would be great. Im sorry to whoever I made mad at me, I truly am. Thank You

  2. xXRampageXx321

    xXRampageXx321 New Member

  3. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    No, you griefed. -_- Griefing is perma ban. Plus I don't like when people spam swastikas and phallus all over other peoples' builds using swastikas.
  4. xXRampageXx321

    xXRampageXx321 New Member

    Wait what? I was banned becuse I made a statue of you dieing.... I think
  5. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Seeing that I was the one who banned you 4 months back, I still don't want you to be unbanned.
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