Keeping record of ones money

Discussion in 'Minecraft Discussions' started by salmon_flavour, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. I thought it would be interesting to keep track of my money and how it fluctuates, especially in the light of owning a shop and knowing that this has the potential to have a significant impact on my money levels.

    As of now I have taken 25 measurements, sometimes a few a day, or one every two days. I'm trying to keep it as at least 1 measurement every 2 days.

    This is the result:

    At the very start you can see I voted and then lost 800r on a chest lock. After mining and cashing in to get about 6000r I bought another few chest locks. Had another massive mining sesh and then evened off before I spent another several thousand on even more chest locks. You then see where I paid for some fiddly warp things, and the final large dip is where somebody decided to sell me a ridiculous amount of gold, lol.

    It'll be interesting to see how this graph will look after a few months of gameplay. It would be cool to see some others do the same :).
    crazyboy162 and sharqman like this.