Ghost_of_Sylirs's ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Ghost_Of_Syliris, Nov 3, 2012.

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  1. Ghost_Of_Syliris

    Ghost_Of_Syliris New Member

    Hello. My name is ghost_of_syliris (normally called syliris) and I was banned from this server. It was a few months ago I logged into the server and was messing around and cursed in chat and got banned. I dont know why I did this but i'm very sorry. What i'm asking for here, is for you to unban me. I will accept a mute or anything like that. I understand what I did was wrong and it will not happen again. At first I just accepted my ban because I deserved but now I really want to be unbanned. This sort of rule breaking will not happen from me again. I would appreciate it if you unban me. Thanks, Syliris
  2. Griffsbrown2

    Griffsbrown2 New Member

    Thats not me. I have gotten like 5 messages today from friends asking why I'm appealing. Thats not even me. Check the ips if you don't believe me.
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