Dear Shadecrest Admins, Quite recently, I had stolen 18 diamonds (In block form) from Z_Milla's zshop. After reviewing the rules once more, I had read that qriefing is not permitted in the peaceful world on the survival server. If I ever get unbanned, I have promised Z_Milla the repair of his shop, in addittion to 100r, (My personal "Sorry for being a jerk fee"). If you would like to know why, I have a journal in my house in the town of Citadel. It explains my reasons. Have a great day! Abdullahj (the griefer)
I'm going to make your perm ban a 5 day ban because you seem remorseful about this... You should have read the rules before learning this the hard way. Stealing diamonds is probably the most cheap and greedy thing to do...especially if it's at a SHOP where this player works hard to serve the community and sell/buy items at a reasonable price.