Which map? peaceful What are the coordinates? /getpos -1091,68,-59 Does HawkEye show any data? ppl involved are in agreement to start over Do you see any locked chests or furnaces? none that have any value left in them. If so, who do they belong to? Bkoch5's & touricroft's which they'd left to me & I've looted them of any value. What does /seen [playername] show? non active residents plots will not be affected. Any other information that you can provide? Sharqman is very familiar with what needs to be taken out & said he'd gladly take it upon himself to do it.(with admins permission ofcourse) furthermore, myself (k9katz, mayor) & all assistants (sharqman, Contender327, PhuzzYLogiK & madmiket) are all in agreement we'd like a fresh start in rebuilding Serenity. Starting with about 3/4's of the town being redone. Please include a picture if you can! Please just /t spawn Serenity.. to see it
sharq can do the demos, all towns can do the same request you did, North did one with me for borderlands, and i helped him out... i know sharq had asked about possible move of a few buildings using admin powers, we are gonna wait till other admins weigh in on that. but he can get started for sure with the demo/regen