Not griefing, but may offend people

Discussion in 'Grief Report' started by xgecko54, Sep 5, 2011.

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  1. xgecko54

    xgecko54 New Member

    This isn't really griefing, but there are a bunch of swastikas all over this town called Berlin that someone made, is this against the rules to build offensive or inappropriate structures like this? I just think some people may be offended, and wanted to inform an admin if not previously done.
  2. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    Yep, Turp and another gent had been making swastikas all over the place, funny thing is that sometimes they did not make a swastika, some were svastika which is the lucky version of the swastika... but they were dinks and got banned anyhow
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