We ask a "Would you rather...?" Question, and the person below you has to answer the question, and ask another question. I'll start. Would you rather have an army of blazes or an army of wolves? Edit: Keep this clean, or I will lock this. -Max PieSquared761- Ok
Army of wolves. Auto agro. Would you rather listen to 8 hours of justin beiber or 8 hours of lady gaga?
Max, blatca would change your perms so you cant move DDDD: Slap Vegeta, or Barak Obama (Not based on what political party you are in, we are talking consequences here!) EDIT: XD Just noticed my sig D:
Vegeta, Obama would BLAACCCKKMAAAAAAANNNN PAWWWNCCCCHHHH me. Would you rather have creative mode or admin?
Admins can't give themselves op... I would rather slap Obama because I don't want the spray on tan to get on my pale Korean hand Would you rather buy from /warp moose or /warp AsiaCorp? (AsiaCorp has cheaper everything that it sells, whereas moose buys things and I don't.)
/warp asiacorp, by default. I can't buy things at /warp moose for some reason, just opens up the chest whenever I try to :S Would you rather break your arm or your leg? (both hurt)
You because North doesn't steel from the town. Would you rather play Shadecrest Survival or Creative?
I don't steal from the town. I take stuff out because I kept my money in webauctions. I would take out money to buy stuff, then deposit stuff back in. I would play Survival because builds are more satisfying when completed when you have to work hard to get the materials. Would you rather slap waterpower1 or slap yourself?
Myself, waterpower never did anything to me! Shut your hand In a car door, or 5 times in a regular door? (car door is completely shut, regular door is not. Both are slammed, and it is your ENTIRE hand)
I'd say car door, before my fingers got slammed, and all I could do was laugh at my own stupidity, and the purple lines on my fingers XD Would you rather, eat a moose, or some salmon?
Salmon if they're both normal, moose if its you and Flavour. Would you rather use Poison II, Poison Extended, or Damage II?
PoisonII for Iron armor, Poison extended for no armor and DamageII for diamond armor. Would you rather be killed by a wither, a witch or a snow golem who has hit you off a cliff using a snowball?
Witch you can just pick your stuff back up, whereas with wither, they have a possibility of burning or exploding your stuff, and with the snow golem, the server is buggy so that when items change elevation, they tend to go invisible. Would you rather make the server hardcore or make the server have all cheats/mods/clients legal?
I'd rather have hardcore, makes pvp verrryyyy competitive. Would you rather die in a burning pool of acid. Or go into shock from being tortured by a scary clown.
Acid, quick and painless. Would you rather do ANYTHING I want for 24 hours, or do ANYTHING Max wants for 48 hours?