Hi there reader! Im Rockweirdo. I was banned for griefing. But I can absolutley promise you I didnt do it. I used to play Roblox and I had the same password on that. So I had the same password on minecraft and Roblox. My cousin knew my password on roblox so I think he has hacked my account and griefed. The only griefer I know is my cousin, who I thinked hacked me. His name is invinciblezac, and it's likely that he did the griefing (he's perm banned for it) I know who banned me at the time, It was awastedlife. I was just playing and he came on and then after about 5 seconds it came up saying exactly this - Disconnected by server (paragragh) Griefing (Awastedlife). And now I got perm banned. I'd really like to be unbanned, I really like this server and I'll promise to change my password too
Can I ask you a question? I am playing on my cousins account for a bit if they know its me will I get banned on that account?
Yes, you were only temp banned for a small incident of griefing, then i found out that you also griefed all of Hizeron's gold blocks at his potion shop. You're cousin (invinicblezac) was banned as well for griefing at ./warp moose and regions around peaceful spawn. If somebody goes onto you're account and griefs, its still on you for letting them on in the first place. I could of sworn I banned you're cousin for griefing permanently but thanks for getting on his account to remind me. You both are not getting unbanned. Locked.