Known 1.3 issues

Discussion in 'Survival Server Issues' started by majestic_moose, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Gonna post some issues i've seen

    Firstly, herochat is yet to update, so no more typing /l <message> when you're in off topic, you have to join whatever channel it is first. Obviously including /msg or /tell

    Secondly, and a new problem I've noticed, is that a fire res potion stops working after 5 mins, with 3mins to go. Not sure if it's to do with 1.3.2 issue or server issue.

    Almost 3 mins up
    3 seconds later
    And for proof that it was 3 seconds
  2. ar_mele

    ar_mele New Member VIP

    Similar for me. Additionally ,regardless of what chat prefix I use (/l, /o, /msg, etc.) whatever I type goes to local regardless.
  3. ar_mele

    ar_mele New Member VIP

    To avoid channel issues for now, use /ch <channel> to join the channel you wish to speak in, then DO NOT prefix your chat with the channel code (for example, "/l TEST" is bad... "/ch l" and then "TEST" is ok).
  4. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

  5. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Bumping because I'm still having same fire resistance potion issue and no one has posted on it. Anyone else having it too?

    Maybe should have just made a new thread...
  6. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    moose, the admins have a list that we are continuously updating in the admin area. when you have issues like this, feel free to send us a tell in game and let us know what the issue is... most of the time we already know, but if it is not known, an admin will recreate it for max, take screens and be able to access the server logs so we can see what is really happening,

    some of these things (your fire resistance for example) are issues with bukkit and their own bugs, which we cannot change.

    thanks for being pro-active! :)

    if there is an issue and no admins are online, feel free to send me a pm on the forum and i will try to recreate it. :) the reason we like to recreate is that it might just be an issue on your end. prime example is that i used to lag when ever a new person joined (pre 1.3.1) and it turned out that my isp was a pain and could not handle that info transfer, now it is a confirmed issue with 1.3.1
  7. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Sweet, thanks for replying :)

    Just good to know at least why the issue is happening, and i'll make sure to spam your inbox with issues XD