Hi, I'm dualmind

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by dualmind, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. dualmind

    dualmind New Member

    Hello my name is Mário, my ign is dualmind and I'm from Portugal. I'm a student in the first year of a masters degree in evolutionary and developmental biology (if you have biological questions ask me! I may not know the answers but I might know where to look for them! ;D). In my spare times I'm currently into aquariums and bird watching (besides Minecraft of course!).

    I've been playing Minecraft for a couple of months and I'm really enjoying it so far. Started playing only SSP first and have been trying to start SMP for some time. I mainly play this for the mining and building (I always liked legos lol).

    I picked this server because as I said, building is a big part of the game for me and I would really hate spending time creating something just to see it destroyed at the hand of someone else.

    I haven't build anything too amazing but I've been emulating stuff from Etho's and monkeyfarm's Youtube videos so... Yeah that's already something... I guess...

    So this is me

    Hope to see you online! Have fun

    - dualmind
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome! Please read the wiki very thoroughly!
  3. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    Welcome to Shadecrest! Enjoy your stay here!
  4. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    Welcome! It's so cool when we get people from all around the world on here! Glad to have you :)