Hey everybody! I'm InstantIdiocy (or Head Idiot of InstantIdiocy - a larger web presence than just my Minecraft account) and I'm new here. I've been roaming the nets for a few weeks looking for a new Creative server since my old one (that I wasn't terribly invested in anyway) was having problems keeping themselves together. ShadeCrest seems pretty nice, so I joined up and I'm enjoying it so far =). I've only been playing Minecraft since earlier this year, I just got the game as a gift (hard to buy games on a freelance graphic designer budget lol) from a friend and I've been trying things out. So far, I'm only interested in building things, I'm not playing any Survival yet. I'm really interested in learning how all the Redstone stuff works sometime. I'm still pretty new to Minecraft as I don't spend a lot of time on it but I learn pretty quickly. Outside of Minecraft, I'm a freelance web & graphic designer and homemaker (read: unemployed). I like to hike/backpack/camp/roadtrip and do just about anything outdoorsy. I read a Lot of books (all eBooks on my smartphone). My top 3 movies are Mad Max 1, 2 & 3 (in that order) and I like far too many books to choose a favorite. I don't watch a lot of television but I'm pretty fond of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Archer and a few others. I catch most of them on Netflix, I don't watch it when it airs. I don't really have any cool Minecraft stories to share as I haven't been playing it long enough.. but maybe my cool story will come from here =). Just got out of Plot World yesterday, set up a plot in Builder World (then tore it down because I accidentastole someone else's plot - woops!) and then set up another in the desert on the edge of the world. Just got it all cleared out and cleaned up and ready to start my first big build. I don't know anybody here but I've talked to some cool folks in-game so far =D. I'll check out IRC later when I have more free time (I'm pretty busy in the Summer). -- Oh, if none of my websites are Minecraft servers, can I share the links in this thread?
I told you I'm an Idiot.. somehow I posted this on the Survival Server forum =D. I play Creative lol. -- Can a Modmin move this to the Creative Server forum? Or shall I re-post? =D --- I re-posted in Creative, feel free to delete this post before I leave a stain on Survival Server =P. Thanks for the welcomes! =)