Unfinished Cobblestone Castle

Discussion in 'Demolition Request' started by birdbrain5, Jul 30, 2012.

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  1. birdbrain5

    birdbrain5 New Member

    Does HawkEye show any data?
    It says that the castle was built by Nature_Move

    Do you see any locked chests or furnaces?
    No I do not see any locked furnaces/chests.

    If so, who do they belong to?

    What does /seen [playername] show?
    /seen nature_move says he was last seen on July 14th

    Any other information that you can provide?
    The co-ordinates are: x:3107 Z:1467 Y:73 In a plains biome just outside Pine Square.
    Also, even if the project is still being worked on, it's ugly, encroaching on the territory around pine square, and cobblestone isn't exactly the hardest thing to come by.

    Please include a picture if you can!
  2. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    Nature_move is still active.
  3. birdbrain5

    birdbrain5 New Member

    Yes but this structure is ugly and made entirely of cobblestone, which is against the server building code. You can find this rule under the 'building' subheading at: http://wiki.shadecrest.com/index.php/Rules
    It is an eyesore for the residents of pine square!
  4. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    "Please try to make your building some what aesthetically pleasing. A square building entirely out of cobble is not something thats aesthetically pleasing. (This is not really a rule, but me trying to keep the server looking nice)"

    Server building code? This isn't the creative server.
  5. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    wait he built this near the town area? D:
  6. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    If its that close to your town, then it can be removed.
  7. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    i checked and it's really far. won't even come close to the planned expansion i think. and it isn't even within FoV when your in town at all.
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