Banned for 8 characters with caps

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by thephatman1, Jul 29, 2012.

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  1. thephatman1

    thephatman1 New Member

    so yeah, for reasons that i don't need to explain my capslocks key shows me who is online. Sometimes this causes me to type in all caps by mistake. All I did to get banned was ask a simple question not explained by your signs in caps by mistake. This is a very minor thing; He should have banned me for minutes, or hours, not days / interminably.

    After getting banned i logged into ur creative server and witnessed people asking lots of questions some times using caps with out being banned. I'm wondering why i was banned so easily when others are given warnings, and opportunities I was not given. It seems to me i have been treated unfairly.

    Ive been banned for at least a day so far. He gave me no warning, just the ban hammer. The admin who banned me should be spoken too about abusing his power. I am sure you don't want people being banned for such triviality with out so much as a warning.

    It is also clear that who ever banned me is an illiterate fool b.c they misspelled immaturity. When I attempt to join it says "disconnected imaturity" which is very annoying seeing as whom ever banned me is clearly the one in need of some maturity and basic English lessons.

  2. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Im coming home right now, I'm calling dibs on this one.
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    caps doesn't show players, tab does. what rank are you? we are very strict with guests because some of them are just here to be annoying/troll in chat.

    also what is your in game name?

    dammit nrayf i was just about to post this :p
  4. thephatman1

    thephatman1 New Member

    I changed a lot of my controls, so capslock is my tab, tab is my jump. Its just easier for me. Anyways i have no ranked, i was a guest but i didn't do anything that warrants being banned forever (i read the rules). I mean clearly which ever admin who did this has problems; maybe they made a mistake, Idk, but i was banned unfairly and id like to be able to play. I made you a nice temple on creative server go take a look. its got buttons!

    IGN Thephatman1
  5. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    my responses in red :)
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