Howdy-Doo Thur

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ColorMeBoom, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. ColorMeBoom

    ColorMeBoom New Member

    Havnt been accepted to the server yet but I figured I'd hop on and introduce myself now anyway just incase.
    I've been playing minecraft since alpha but aside from the server we have at the place I work I've yet to be a part of a legit online server.

    Hopefully i get a chance to check out everything you guys have made and contribute a bit of my own.
  2. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Welcome! Hopefully you'll get accepted. This is the best server out there :D Great choice! So you know, with the upcoming update of 1.8, and our recently upgraded server, it won't be as smooth as it usually is. It'll still be great, but it'll be better once our (active) admins get everything all set up. :D See ya on the server!
  3. ColorMeBoom

    ColorMeBoom New Member

    Hi duderitehere, i remeber you from ingame :)
    My time is a bit limited as of right now but i just checked out the server, atleast as much as you can check out in 5 mins, i'm sure theres loads upon loads more. everything looks really cool and the community seems great. I look foward to contributing to the server when i have a little more time :)