Selling lots of good items!

Discussion in 'Shop and Trade' started by Bpsoccer28, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. Bpsoccer28

    Bpsoccer28 Member VIP

    Diamond Sword Sharpness IV Looting III Knockback II: 6k
    Diamond Boots Feather Falling IV Fire Protection III: 1.5k -
    Disk 11, only 5 on the server and it is unobtainable: 5k
    Villager Spawn eggs: 2k each. These will work perfectly for 1.3 villager emerald trading and they can be bred so the price is expected to be high on those
    Also at /warp alan321 i sell all the spawn eggs!
    Message me in game or private message me on here for these items, prices will then be negotiated.
    Private Message me or in game message me for these also. If your interested in buying a prebuilt home for 3 people to live in go to my selling home post in shop and trade!
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    use multiple in press enter.
  3. Bpsoccer28

    Bpsoccer28 Member VIP

    My Bad. Also Villager spawn eggs have been sold.
  4. Bpsoccer28

    Bpsoccer28 Member VIP

    Good news fellas, i got some more villeger spawn eggs
  5. Magetime

    Magetime Active Member VIP

    Ill buy the boots for 1.5k
  6. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Fixed it for you, please update post