Killing Farm Animals

Discussion in 'Peaceful Towns' started by Hakalu, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Hakalu

    Hakalu Member VIP

    I had this person come in and kill all my farm animals.
    I know who it is but now how do i even prove that i had the mobs in the first place.
  2. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    go to your farm, type /getpos type the co-ords here and a power admin who knows what they are doing can help you more... i however do not know how max does it, but he said he needs the co-ords.

    a general time that it happened might help too...
  3. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    sorry... :) i am at work... where they force me to use internet explorer... 7 .... :( i know... i cry...

    but because of this, i cannot access any logs, livemaps, ect... at work... :) but i got bored cause i flipped out at work today and wanted to post on the forums... :)