cool video!

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by subwayis666, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    hey all, i dont want you to think this is a advertisement to a friend because its not, but when i mean friend, i mean you meet him once on a tf2 server and u get along great, add each other, then never talk. kinda like adding people to facebook. anyways, i saw that he got rid of his little clan logo and i asked him why he got rid of it. and he said quote "I am becoming a super duper well known Source FilmMaker, gotta be free from ties"

    so he show'd me this clip that he made (steam name and youtube name close to the same so i know its him)

    TF2: Meet The Drinkers

    its a "meet the ____" video and to be honest, i was shocked to see how amazing he is. just wanted to show you guys to see what you thought of it. thanks.

    i believe this video is okay for all eyes, nothing no one has not seen before, and not too inappropriate. if u believe its inappropriate, please message me and ill take it down. thanks.